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My bloggedy blog life
Date 8/1/06   Photo Index   My Blog Index

8:30 PM  Well, today I started this, the first blog.  I've been focusing on which pages I will need to add and at the same time I know I'll need to get started on taking pictures and reviewing different products.  I think that over time this will become a greater and greater resource.  Most links will be cleaned up in the next week or two and you'll start seeing where I'm going with this.  I'm having dinner soon, Coca-Cola and Hamburger Helper and corn.  I'll tell you about it in a few hours.
10:00 PM  Dinner was great.  Coca-Cola scores a 10 (I'm sure you'll see more about Coca-Cola in the future) and Hamburger Helper Four Cheese Lasagna scores an 8.1.  Pretty much all of the Hamburger Helper meals score high with me, keep posted I'll eat more.  Here's some more pictures of a Coca-Cola bottle and a photo of the box of Hamburger Helper Four Cheese Lasagna.  
10:30 PM  In a short time I'll have these two new pages started:
Photo Index and My Blog Index 

Make sure to let me know what you want here next, I'll blog about it.

Advertisers, fill my wish list:

Pizza (what, I'm hungry right now.)
Any candy
Building materials and tools
Gift certificates
Clothes (ask me for sizes)
Free Food in general
Home stereo
Website memberships (such as gaming or gambling sites)
soft dog food (my pups getting older)
gas money/ gas cards

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